Animal Healing
Animals also benefit from Energy Healing, Reiki and Aura Balancing and negative energy removal, especially to relieve pain, calm their nervous systems, boost immune systems, and help them to heal illness.
What is Reiki or Energy Healing? This mode of Energy Healing is based on the teachings of the Alice Bailey, with the understanding that all living beings are made of energy, which permeates and surrounds all bodies as a dynamic energy field. Within this complex field, energies flow to converge at seven major points called ‘chakras’. Each chakra vitalises an endocrine gland, a nerve centre and relevant internal organs, which support systems, such as digestion, respiration and the nervous and immune systems. There are also many minor centres in the system, which have specific functions in physical, mental and emotional states of animals and humans. ​ When the flow of their energy field is in balance, animals can be in balance physically, mentally and emotionally, enabling them to live longer, healthier, happier lives. However, when their flow of energy has become blocked or disturbed in some way, this can create negative symptoms often leading to illness and dis-ease either physically, mentally or emotionally. As a Reiki and Energy Healing practitioner, I have highly developed intuition and using my sensitive hands I am able to sense and rebalance energy flow, appropriate to an individual animal’s particular needs.  The intention is to enable the life force energy to flow more freely, which will help the animal with their own healing processes. I always ask that the healing energy be given according to the will of the animal's soul, so there is never any forcing of energy to ‘make them get better’.
What is an Aura Balancing? This healing process aims to cleanse, balance and repair any damage to the aura, which is the field of energy surrounding our body. Sometimes gaps or fractures may appear in the field, which may be caused by things such as shock, high stress levels, various drugs or foods, unbalanced lifestyle, surgery and negative energy from other sources. ​These holes may affect the state of well being of a person, so an Aura Balancing might create a feeling of relaxation, higher energy levels, a sense of clarity, general well being as well as boosting the immune system.

What happens in Energy Healing, Reiki & Aura Balancing for animals?
I'll have a brief chat with you first to find out some basic information about your animal's needs. It would be helpful to have a photograph to work from, if I'm not in person with them.​
Once I start working, whether remotely, or in-person, subtle energy will naturally flow through my hands and I'll sense disturbances in their energy field and aura, then their energy flow is re-balanced according to their needs.
I will tend not to touch the animal during an Energy Healing, and may do so with Reiki, if they are willing to be touched. Usually I will hold my hands away from their body, or use remote healing if I can't visit you, or if they are too distressed to have me near them. The healing itself will last around 30-45 minutes, then there is time to discuss what I discovered, any changes you noticed, and to make further healing plans if needed. The total session is an hour.
I have experience working remotely and in person with some characterful dogs, cats, donkeys, horses, goats, sheep and chickens and I welcome all other species!
​Small animals e.g. cat, bird, rodent £33/hour
Medium sized animals e.g. dog, chicken £44/hour
Large animals, donkey, goat £66/hour