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Emotional Root Healing

What is emotional root healing?


Emotional root healing involves working through the heart, to help us trace, heal, then let go of wounds from our past, in this life, where the roots of the wounds are so often found in childhood. There are also likely to be ancestral and past-life roots that need healing, through a similar process. The original, or root incident might be a traumatic incident, or something quite normal that has been interpreted as traumatic by the inner child, resulting in a damaging belief system of feeling unworthy, unwanted, not good enough or unlovable, which negatively impacts our life. 


What happens in a session?


Sessions are hands-off and run online via zoom. You will need to be in a private and quiet space where you’ll feel safe and be undisturbed and not concerned about disturbing others. Headphones or a good speaker will help create the best experience.


Working from our hearts, often using music, we will trace back to the hidden emotional root. I will help you sense your emotions and where they are felt physically in your body. We work together with my guides during the healing, to clear the emotions and old damaging belief systems and bring about the transformation you've been longing for. This will happen over a series of sessions, each time you'll be able to reach deeper levels to uncover more of your true self, which could probably, currently, be hidden by unhealed emotional wounds.


I offer highly effective programmes of six, eight or twelve sessions, each from 1 - 1.5 hours. The more you commit to and attend, the faster and more profound your transformation will be. (I can vouch for this, from personal experience!)​


Deep Space 6 sessions over 4 months £588


Nova 8 sessions over 5 months £768


Super Nova 12 sessions over 7 months £1128


A payment plan is available to help you spread the cost.


Sessions will be spaced around one to four weeks apart and I provide additional support via 15 minute support calls/texts each week, if you need it.


Book a free one hour Discovery Call to let me know what's going on for you right now. Let's see if we're a good fit to work together, then we can explore the level of financial investment you'd like to put into your transformation at this time.

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